In our most private and most subjective lives we are not only the passive witnesses of our age, and its sufferers, but also its makers. We make our own epoch.

—Dr. C. G. Jung

We hope you will emerge from this gathering with a deeper understanding and reverence for some of our processes of inner knowing…

All or most of which are ancient…

And that you will feel more tapped into that sense of connectedness that is so essential for our well-being.


Please join us in exploring the importance of bringing a spiritual perspective to our individual and collective healing work.

you are invited to open up, and emerge…


…Empowered and rejuvenated by your exposure to bigger-picture ideas and the depth of healing that is possible when we trust that profound, inner intelligence that is available to all of us. 

…Feeling encouraged to expand your mind and experience because those you respect are showing the way forward.

…With a sense that life feels a little lighter and more spacious, freer of longstanding patterns of constricted thinking and feeling about yourself, other people, and the world around us.

…Feeling validated in your own intuition, so that you can more easily make trustworthy efforts toward being a better parent, partner, friend, worker, healer, and citizen of the planet.

…Feeling and knowing that you’re not alone in the world, with a sense of certainty that there’s something bigger than us that’s holding us.


If fate and soul, or fate and character, are the same thing…

We’re fortunate to be living during times where great expansion is possible, both individually and collectively.

The conversations of the Boundless Psyche, Timeless Soul Summit are meant to provide bits of genuine hope and a taste of what’s possible when we do the difficult and sacred work of deep healing, trusting, and making space for true transformation.


Contemplative and spiritual practices have been expanding human awareness for millennia. Experiencing our intraconnectedness helps increase our global responsibility to everyone and everything on our planet.

We have more and more ways of knowing that we’re connected across time and space, life and death - including LOTS of quantitative scientific data. And you can also see it in the natural world, if you’re open, patient, and know how to be quiet and listen with your inner senses.


We are all connected.

We are connected to nature and everything in it, because we ARE nature. We are just as much a part of it as the trees. We are connected to each other because NOTHING human is alien.

As has been true so many times before, it is time to shine this compassionate light of truth as brightly as possible, because we need it to help us illuminate our shadows, both individually and collectively.

Much like Jung’s dream in which he was in a windy storm in the dark of night, with a small candle he was desperately trying to keep lit in order to light his way…

we need the light of CONSCIOUSNESS to see our way through.


Meet Our Brilliant Speakers:

Dr. Stacy Dicker

Psychologist, Author; Your Host and Creator of The Boundless Psyche, Timeless Soul Online Summit

Enhancing Self-Compassion and Inner Balance by Receiving the Ancient Wisdom of Your Sun & Moon Archetypes

Dr. José Luis Stevens

Co-Founder of The Power Path Seminars and School of Shamanism, Author, International Lecturer & Consultant

Everything is Medicine

Dr. Rollin McCraty

Psychophysiologist, Researcher, Director of Research at the HeartMath Research Center

The Science of Interconnectivity and Global Coherence

Drisana (Dru) McDaniel, MA

Healing-Centered Facilitator, Educator, Writer, and Transformation Activist

Integrating the Infinite: Orientations Towards Emergence through Black Feminist Womanist Psychospiritual Wisdom & The Alchemy of Now


Dr. Stephen Aizenstat

Founder of Pacifica Graduate Institute, Dream Tending, and the Academy of Imagination; Author

The Imagination Matrix: How to Access the Greatest Power You Have for Creativity, Connection and Purpose

Dr. Helané Wahbeh

Naturopathic Physician, Master of Clinical Research, Director of Research at the Institute of Noetic Sciences

The Science of Channeling

Dr. Joan Borysenko

Psychologist, Cell Biologist, and Author; Pioneer and Expert on the Mind-Body Connection

The Soul of Healthcare

Dr. Ronald D. Siegel

Psychologist, Author, and Assistant Professor of Psychology at Harvard Medical School 

Discovering the Extraordinary Gift of Being Ordinary


Dr. Tian Dayton

Psychologist, Psychodramatist, Group Psychotherapist, Author, and Senior Fellow at The Meadows

Healing Your Soul Wounds With RTR-Sociometrics & Psychodrama

Dr. Angel Acosta

Ed.D. from Teachers College, Columbia University; Pioneer in the Field of Healing-Centered Education

Healing-Centered Education in Times of Transitions

Dr. Mona Sobhani

Cognitive Neuroscientist, Author, Entrepreneur, and Former Research Scientist

Proof of Spiritual Phenomena

Dr. Casey Paleos

Psychiatrist and Researcher Specializing in Psychedelic Medicine Treatments; Lead Trainer & Supervisor 

The Role of Spiritual Realities in Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy


Dr. Chantelle Thomas

Clinical Psychologist Specializing in Addiction, Trauma, and Health; Lead Trainer, Facilitator & Supervisor

Exploring the Power and Responsibility of Psychedelic-Assisted Vulnerability

Maria Tan, MA

Healing-Centered Educator, Consultant, and Facilitator; Founder & Director of the House of Thriving

Weaving: A Framework for Remembering, Connection, and Creation

Dr. Ilene Naomi Rusk

Neuropsychologist and Behavioral Neuroscientist, Functional Brain Health Consultant, Resilience Coach

Your Embodied Brain: How to Live a Soulful and Healthy Life

Dr. David H. Rosmarin

Psychologist, Researcher, Author, and Associate Professor at Harvard Medical School

Spiritual Psychotherapy for Inpatient, Residential & Intensive Treatment (SPIRIT)


Dr. Lori Hops

Licensed Psychologist and Diplomate in Comprehensive Energy Psychology, Past ACEP President

Being Here Now: Grounding and Centering for Enriched Soulful Living

Dr. Yael Gold

Licensed Psychologist, Trauma Therapist, EMDRIA Practitioner, & Second Generation Holocaust Survivor

Naming the Invisible Legacy: Intergenerational Healing and the Journey Toward Expanded Consciousness

Dr. Tayria Ward

Depth Psychologist, Spiritual Guide, Dream Analyst, Oracular Reader, and Vision Quest Facilitator

Beware the Cultish Mindset

Dr. Darron Smith

Associate Professor, Researcher, Physician Assistant, MDMA-Assisted Therapist, Race-Based Trauma Therapist

Psychedelics and Social Justice: Getting to the Deeper Healing of Systemic Oppression and Inequality


Dr. Stephen Murphy-Shigematsu

Clinical and Community Psychologist at Stanford University; International Teacher, Workshop Leader, and Author

Heartfulness as a Way of Being

Dr. Amy Robbins

Clinical Psychologist, Spiritual Intuitive/Medium, Podcast Host, & Director of Mental Health at BIÂN

Signs, Synchronicities and Intuition in Everyday Life


Meet Your Host & Creator of the Boundless Psyche, Timeless Soul Online Summit, Stacy Dicker, Ph.D.


Here's my short professional bio...

I’m a clinical psychologist in private practice who has seen psychotherapy clients for over twenty years. I taught courses on eating disorders and adult psychotherapy to upper-level psychology majors at the University of Colorado – Boulder for nearly ten. I wrote a book called Psychstrology: Apply the Wisdom of the Cosmos to Gain Balance and Improve Your Relationships (2019), and I also presented at the annual ACEP (Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology) 2022 conference about integrating systems of ancient wisdom into our modern psychological approaches of healing and knowing, to help us grow in the direction of balance and wholeness as individuals and as a profession.

...And here’s a little more backstory.

With all the work I’d done on myself already, I thought I’d feel freer

Growing up in an epically dysfunctional family and becoming a therapist, I naturally started my own psychotherapy a very long time ago. I did all the other stuff, too  – I meditated and did yoga regularly, received frequent bodywork, and learned ALL about recovering from trauma from books, seminars, my own therapy, and my work with my clients. Puzzles were my jam from the word go, and I approached myself like the hardest one to figure out. But alas, my nervous system was stubborn and wouldn’t let me fully forget where I came from.

I’m sure all of my tiny bits of hard-won progress over many years of self-development were tremendously beneficial, paving the way for my healing to unfold. But it wasn’t until I began to explore the intergenerational patterns in my family lines, also known as ancestral healing, that certain patterns in my life and psyche shifted in a more palpable way. For so many of us, the trauma we carry in our bones and cells every day has accumulated over many generations. Especially when we’re sensitive to boot, we’re like the little tide pools of all the unresolved trauma in our family and ancestral lines, a truth confirmed by epigenetic research.

What has amazed me is how important it is to see ourselves as being connected to something bigger, if we are to be able to heal on a deeper level. THIS is the essential bridge between our valuable self-development work and our vital ancestral and collective healing work. I’m grateful to be here now when there are more expansive pathways of healing available to us. 



As the Tao te Ching teaches, “know the white [masculine], yet keep to the black [feminine]: be a pattern for the world.”


Now, more than ever, we need to constellate the collective feminine aspects that exist within ALL of us, in order to hold together…To nurture
To make space
To include
To soothe
To have compassion
To be able to do whatever is needed
To remain resilient
To take care of one another.


While modern science is making a huge and valid effort to investigate and figure out the way the universal powers function, Indigenous people from all over the world have been having a relationship with them, dancing with them since remote times.

—Arkan Lushwala

Western science, including psychology, is out of balance whenever it disavows the myriad ways of inner knowing that are ancient, numinous, indigenous, intuitive, and deeply spiritual; in this way it mirrors masculine and feminine energy out of balance and is its own form of oppression (of the feminine in itself).


As summit speaker Dr. Mona Sobhani sums up, “[M]any, many things in the world remain mysterious, and instead of trying to explore these mysteries, scientific materialism has decided to ignore them.”


Therapists like to say that the way you do one thing is the way you do everything. Given the too-large space between science and spirit, is it any wonder that we are more divided than ever, both within and without? 

Within, we feel disconnected from primal parts of ourselves, parts that are not optional. We judge, disavow, and abandon those parts, so we don’t feel whole, or held by our own Selves.

And without, we turn on each other…those who have different beliefs or preferences, or different skin color, or who are too ___ or not enough ____ . We abandon, and other, each other.

If we can’t even see other people as fully human, how could we ever hope to protect our beautiful planet and all the species who are trying to live on it?


According to ancient myth, a rupture between the World Parents (heaven and earth) had occurred in former times, and it was hoped that by building such towers this break might be healed and a fruitful interaction between the two primal powers might be restored.

—Sallie Nichols

All topics included during Boundless Psyche, Timeless Soul are designed to open up your awareness of ancient truths, knowledge, and power that can be accessed through the spiritual portals of our existence…so that you can live a more connected, awake life.


only together can we optimally navigate this momentous paradigm shift and co-create a bright and vibrant future for our planet and all beings who live on it.


The best part is, you can attend Boundless Psyche, Timeless Soul completely FREE!

By diving into this broad array of fascinating interviews with our deeply wise, heart-filled way-showers, you will discover new ways to truly embody a more bright and vibrant future – in your own life, as well as for our collective and planet.

The decisive question for man is, is he related to something infinite, or not? That is the telling question of his life.

—Dr. C. G. Jung


In view of the ontological reality of the imaginal realm, spirituality is a very important and natural dimension of the human psyche and spiritual quest is a legitimate and fully justified human endeavor.

However, it is necessary to emphasize that this statement applies to genuine spirituality based on personal experience and does not provide support for ideologies and dogmas of organized religions.

—Dr. Stanislav Grof

If you are READY to immerse yourself in the heart-filled, ancient wisdom of myriad spiritual ways of knowing…

So that you can emerge feeling rejuvenated, hopeful, and more fully connected to our world and everything in it…

Please join us for

Boundless Psyche, Timeless Soul:

Enhancing Psychological Well-Being With Direct Experiences of Spiritual Realities

Online Summit - April 24-28, 2024